Our activity regards three inter-connected domains:
- The non-confessional research of the Daoist phenomenon (texts, practice), within an Academic frame, in cooperation with researchers and professors in the field of Daoist studies – sinologists, historians, anthropologists, etc.
- The study of disciplines and techniques based on or related with the Daoist thought – Qigong, Taijiquan, Acupuncture, from the perspective of the dialogue between practice and science. Practitioners and healers can use this platform for presenting the system their techniques are based upon. The aim is to propagate the Daoist worldview (as well as hybrid worldviews containing Daoist elements) to interested individuals (specialists or not).
- The popularization of Daoist thought and beliefs, promoting cross-confessional dialogue, as well as the dialogue between science and religion.
In order to achieve its goals, RADS members and collaborators involve in library and field research, individually or in teams. The practitioners will organize lectures and demonstrations in scientific frames, as well as in non-scientific contexts.
RADS will have its own library and digital database. Daoist people will be invited in order to present their beliefs and dialogue with interested individuals.
RADS will organize conferences every 2 years and will have its own monthly digital publication. RADS website (www.daoism.ro) will publish Daoist classical texts and commentaries. RADS will establish various forms of exchange with similar Romanian and foreign organizations.
In this way, RADS will create both online and offline media for interaction between individuals interested in Daoism.